As late as I stay up, trying to prepare for the next day, we occasionally have those moments when no amount of 'prep-time' will make up for a child, unable to find half of the clothes laid out the night before. And the other who did not like my selection of clothing...lunches need to be packed, breakfast eaten, and I'm pretty sure our man is glad to be leaving for work, so he can exit the chaos.
Ahhh...as we drive to school, on our icy back roads, the sun is peeking up from the horizon. I start to feel some remorse, melting over me, having handled my emotions the way that I did. I apologize. I ask, "You guys know that mom and dad love you, right?" After a quick, "yes", our kids have already moved on--enjoying their ride in the way back of the van, chattering about the day ahead of them.
As we turn a bend and head east, my son points out the wintry rainbow that is mirroring the rising sun. I remember my dad calling them 'sun dogs'; this one was the best I'd ever seen. A full prism of color, becoming brighter and brighter. We soon forgot about how our day had started, and enjoyed the gift of creation, before our eyes.
These moments are a gift. The collective amount of time that I get to drive the kids to school, talk to them, try to satisfy their growing curiosities, pray for them. Looking back over this year, I am so thankful. It is a joy, in the midst of the mess, to be in the role that I am in. Come January, we will add another member to our family, making some room in our hearts for hers, as it is beating inside me now. The time has gone by so fast. I don't want to miss it...don't want to miss out.
Let's celebrate what is real. In this time of giving and receiving, there is something for each of us. If life has become slippery under foot, I pray that blessings will come your way. That someone will hear that still voice, prompting them to reach out--reminding you that God is near. If life is good, let's respond by blessing someone else...and receive something great, by doing so. And when life is kinda messy and mundane, I hope that we can see the beauty and grace lavished on us, daily, to enjoy the memories we're making with the people we love.
My thoughts, collected...and some dirt and dust, as well--now that the floor is finally swept.