Many of the ban
ds were new to us: Skillet, For King & Country, Group 1 Crew, Dara McClean, We As Human, Sanctus Real. The main reason I wanted us to go was to see Peter Furler and Phil Joel perform together. We never made it out to a classic Newsboys concert, back in the day. It was quite exciting, hearing on FB, that Phil was considering joining the concert. The fans were wooing him, day by day--with Peter's help--until finally, at the end of December, he agreed to join. Who knows how often they will perform together...hopefully, more often than not.
I haven't been able to get those words out of my head, since then. It was like getting another piece of the puzzle, as it pertains to 'purpose in life' stuff. I believe God has a plan for each person. I trust Him and know that all things happen for a reason. But sometimes, you get that gnawing feeling that something isn't right...that there are bigger things, out there. This feeling doesn't come from comparison to another person, but from deep within my soul. It is the longing to know, and be known.
tting there, in that fifth row, watching Kari speak and tell a little about herself--I felt very content. Troy was there with me. Our row was literally 3 seats wide(our own little personal space). I thought about how much we both enjoy our kids love it with us...the worship ministry we've been able to be a part of all these years, the incredible musicians in our little church. It started to make sense to me. This really is what I love the most: doing music.
I have no idea what our future holds, in that regard. But I just have to get up each day, and sing. That I know. Its in my heart and soul, lyrics playing in my head, throughout the day. I might be driving around in the van, listening in, the steering wheel becoming a bongo...for a second or two. Lately, I've been hearing my daughter, singing along with me. That is fun. I'll be on the piano, and there's this one song I play, called, "Every day", and when I get to the end of it, I do this really cool minor tag that makes her squeal with delight. It doesn't matter which room of the house she's in: I guarantee you will hear her cheering when I get to the end of that song!
Best part was meeting Phil, after the show. We walked up to the concourse, on the second floor, and waited maybe a couple of minutes. I introduced myself and Troy, and then we saw his eyes light up: it was great to put a face to a name. Phil and Heather Joel have a ministry site called 'Deliberate People'. It's a place where you can follow a reading schedule, meet with God, get to know Him better. I decided to take on the challenge with them. It's been fun to read what they're learning from day to day. They have some great insights to share with everyone.
So back to Kari's comments, about remaining faithful where you're planted. That spoke volumes to me. God knows my heart. He knows it. Just keep on doing what you're brings joy and someday, may go beyond your wildest imaginations. (Luke 16:10, Jer.29:11)